Can't we get Beyond Flashpoint? Blue & Gold are in the Black, there's a One-Star arsonist, Astro City's up for another run, Witches and time travel, Black Hammer in the real world, and vote Death in 2024.
Astro City
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #493 /
Bruce has the wedding bell blues, The Kent family goes on vacation sans Clark, more Forces and Spectrums than you can shake a stick at, The New God peace talks, Lemire’s Endless, you are now leaving Astro City, the lightning round, and industry news--plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #486 /
Selina takes “something borrowed” to the next level, two “New Age of Heroes” titles stumble out of the gate while another does an insta-retelling of his origin, Astro City’s support group is stuck in time, a lovely visit to Lakeside (with a few nightmares), our favorite curmudgeonly Trek doctor (no, the other one—no, not that one) gets a backstory, and more industry news--plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #481 /
A second chance for The Comedian, a Silent suburban mom, the return of J’onn, prelude to a 3 month delay, a super victim support group, it’s Milkman Man, the Brotherhood of Nada, and more late breaking news--plus WOTCOEW
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #474 /
DC stumbles over Metal in the Dark Nights, they’re Ruff, Reddy, and potty mouths, Buffy wraps up Season 11, Fauna Force Ho!, Royal City in the 90’s, it’s last call at Time and Vine, and enjoy(?) some Black Crown--plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #471 /
DC suffers from Eventitis, The Bombshells are reset (kinda), who’s a Good Dog?, when your cat becomes your roommate, Shade does the ol’ body shuffle, Lucy, you’re a goddess!, and the numbers are in--plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #469 /
Revelations abound in Metal, Is Scott really Free?, return to SPAAACE GHOOOST, we will sell no Wine before its Time, and why is the Broken Man broken? Plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #462 /
The 60’s Bat Squad plus Diana go into battle, Rucka wraps up his Wonder Woman run, as does Kara’s Elseworld, the Broken Man finally lays it out, and the Aliens is Coming--plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #456 /
With two HUGE weeks of comics to cover, I summon—THE LIGHTNING ROUND!!! A Lemire double-shot, and the weekly pull gets trimmed--plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #452 /
A Lenticular Crisis, Golden Gail creates her own family, Richie and Tommy hang out, when Cave Carson saved Superman, sometimes a tux is as good as a cape, and news from Chicago.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #447 /
A modern gritty fifth-dimensional imp, Lex doesn’t buy what the Super Sons are selling, Here on Supervillain Isle, let’s get ready to God Rumble, and the numbers are in--plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #444 /
The Young Bruce Wayne Chronicles, Diana’s snake problem, Mightor of Two Worlds, Astro City hits the century mark, Kara deals with tragedy, and the numbers are in--plus WOTCOEW.
Be sure to check out !
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #426 /

Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye—a title that says what it is. Hey, another Dark Knight III issue! Kirk and Co. Boldly Go their own ways, legal contracts in limbo, and the numbers are in. Sorry, no WOTCOEW this week.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #423 /
Fighting meta-gangs, the Spectre Facetimes God, Mystic accountants, and a boatful of Datas--plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #421 /
The galaxy in a Gyro, the ex-KGBeast, a Bombshell goes SHAZAM, too many masterminds, do the Bee dance, and it’s Jazz, baby! Sorry, no WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #413 /
It’s an origin story for Sugar and Spike, as well as the Gotham Twins. Riverdale—Blonde or Brunette? The Broken Man returns, it’s Hammer time, and the circus returns to San Diego--plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #405 /
It’s Hanna-Barbera’s World of Adventure, the Main Man arrives, Diana gets her satin tights, Jack gets an origin, and Industry News--plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #396 /
It’s bait and switch for the Legends of Tomorrow, Superman spreads his wings, a junk shop for super-villains, while Bigby and Mary have it out--plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #392 /
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #388 /