Let’s all take our seats—it’s Crisis 112: New and Improved Gods! Sorry, no WOTCOEW this week.
Fighting meta-gangs, the Spectre Facetimes God, Mystic accountants, and a boatful of Datas--plus WOTCOEW.
Let’s have the Trinity over for dinner, we’re off to the fair, how many outfits can Diana twirl into?, and a Martian goes to church--plus WOTCOEW.
The galaxy in a Gyro, the ex-KGBeast, a Bombshell goes SHAZAM, too many masterminds, do the Bee dance, and it’s Jazz, baby! Sorry, no WOTCOEW.
Look out for Colonel Blimp! Superboy Returns, Supergirl angst--Wolf. Conner Wolf.--and the numbers are in. Plus WOTCOEW.
More heroes join the Quest, Babs has quite a bite, Thank Gaea for Wonder Woman, NOW you do the backstory, and industry news--plus WOTCOEW.
Blue Beetle(s) return, Harley meets Harley—and it’s a Bombshell, Hard-Traveling drunks, Battle of the bands in Riverdale, and demonic lobbyists--plus WOTCOEW.
When is a BLT not a BLT? Batcave on the moon, Lois goes Super, I’m the god!! Bruce and Harvey on the run, and too many time bubbles--plus WOTCOEW.
Harley’s back for more, Mera’s soap opera, Gotham—the hero vs. the city, Ugh—Hipster Batgirl, and the return of Captain Jack Harkness--plus WOTCOEW.
Backstory for a cartoon and Titans Together!, Nightwing’s back in action, Harley wraps it up, and the numbers are in--plus WOTCOEW.
It’s an origin story for Sugar and Spike, as well as the Gotham Twins. Riverdale—Blonde or Brunette? The Broken Man returns, it’s Hammer time, and the circus returns to San Diego--plus WOTCOEW.
It’s Super-Happy-Fun-Man, Diana’s origin redux, Cleanup on aisle Grayson, a Titanic battle looms for Wonder Woman, and industry news--plus WOTCOEW.
It’s a lighting round special! Plus, the May numbers are in--plus WOTCOEW.
We're taking a week off for the holiday weekend. Enjoy the fireworks!
Let’s all take our seats—it’s Crisis 110: DC digs into the quarter boxes! Sorry, no WOTCOEW this week.
Titans Together! Gotham gets the hero it wants, on the farm with Jon, and Bring Your Robin to Work Day--plus WOTCOEW.
Diana and Barry get their Rebirths, Action gets its number back, an Itty-Bitty GL story, and the numbers are in--plus WOTCOEW.
There’s a whole lot of Rebirth going on, plus the Lightning Round--plus WOTCOEW.