The Caped Crusader of the 30th Century, The Kents take a road trip, Cave Carson moves the plot needle, Dad checks in on Royal City, and the circus comes to San Diego. Sorry, no WOTCOEW.
Be sure to check out !
The Caped Crusader of the 30th Century, The Kents take a road trip, Cave Carson moves the plot needle, Dad checks in on Royal City, and the circus comes to San Diego. Sorry, no WOTCOEW.
Be sure to check out !
It’s the Casting couch for Dark Multiverse, Diana goes to a wedding, Atlas doesn’t need pronouns, and it’s the American Way—can you dig it? Plus WOTCOEW.
Two ways to write a story from the World’s Finest, Shade goes Boom, the Fables are in a hurry, the unicorn of comics puts out another issue, and the numbers are in. Sorry, no WOTCOEW this week.
The 60’s Bat Squad plus Diana go into battle, Rucka wraps up his Wonder Woman run, as does Kara’s Elseworld, the Broken Man finally lays it out, and the Aliens is Coming--plus WOTCOEW.
The Super-Bombshells have it out, it’s Jokes and Riddles for Bruce, Is Buffy complete without powers?, Slam bulks up, and Tommy really wants his book back--plus WOTCOEW.
Be sure to check out !
I call forth—THE LIGHTNING ROUND! Oh, and the numbers are in--plus WOTCOEW.
Let’s all take our seats—it’s Crisis 202: Oblivion Upon Us! Sorry, no WOTCOEW this week.
Show length: 00:13:46
With a tiny pull from 5th Wednesday, it’s great timing for Wonder Woman 101. Sorry, no WOTCOEW this week.
The Brave and the Mold, Adam West—murderer?, Diana learns The Truth, is a Slayer without powers still a slayer?, Talky’s backstory, and Cornell’s UFO political tale returns--plus WOTCOEW.
With two HUGE weeks of comics to cover, I summon—THE LIGHTNING ROUND!!! A Lemire double-shot, and the weekly pull gets trimmed--plus WOTCOEW.
Let’s all take our seats—it’s Crisis 202: Time and Time Again! Sorry, no WOTCOEW this week.
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, Bat Dad! Exposition in song, at least Ultramax’s name isn’t Villainy McVillainFace, competing Goatmen, and the numbers are in--plus WOTCOEW.
Return of the Cosmic Treadmill, Selina seeks asylum, Clark’s origin is rejiggered, Loss and superpowers, and Danny the Ambulance screeches to a halt. Sorry, no WOTCOEW this week.
A Lenticular Crisis, Golden Gail creates her own family, Richie and Tommy hang out, when Cave Carson saved Superman, sometimes a tux is as good as a cape, and news from Chicago.
Here’s the story of a man named Kal-El, The League fights Marvel knockoffs, Journey to Babel redux, and Shadow accepts the job--plus WOTCOEW.
Suicide Bombshells, the effects of Quantum Blasts on social media, where does Jughead gets all those burgers? Geeks plus magic equals bad news for bullies, and Shade's backstory--plus WOTCOEW.
Everything old is Superman again, It’s off to Paradise Island, spoiler alert for Future Quest, the Doom Patrol takes a break, cartoon animals invade the DCU—Heavens to Murgatroyd!--and the numbers are in. Plus WOTCOEW.
Let’s all take our seats—it’s Crisis 201: The Summoning! Sorry, no WOTCOEW this week.
A modern gritty fifth-dimensional imp, Lex doesn’t buy what the Super Sons are selling, Here on Supervillain Isle, let’s get ready to God Rumble, and the numbers are in--plus WOTCOEW.
Let’s all take our seats—it’s Crisis 116: One final hurrah before the real Crisis. Sorry, no WOTCOEW this week.