It’s Dr. Wally-hattan, Clark vs. the Klan, the Reign of the Subparmen, discarded CIE stories, an ASTRISK is added to the Hall of Justice, Dial Heroes for Hope, back to Gemworld, and Dan DiDio WHAAAAA???
Flash Forward
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #532 /
Is Damien really Baby Hitler? Oh that L’il Jimmy, Crisis on Infinite CW Crossovers, Wally talks to a chair, Bruce’s new direction, Lois hates clean rooms, Reign of the Supermiguels, and a supersized Young Justice.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #531 /
The Doomsday Clock strikes 12, Clark spells it out, Bat and Cat reunite, as does Wally’s fam, the Legion gets muddled, Jimmy continues his crazy life, the Doom Patrol goes digital, and Superman’s Golden Child.