I'm giving that hero One-Star, the thrilling adventures of the Chandelier, enjoy Booster's Bagels with a shmear, we're in a Green Hell, plus the Lightning Round.
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How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #580 /
The League goes Universal, It's Blue and Gold Rashomon, Roddy McDowall--supervillain, this is Mandroid Ron reporting, Unteens Unite, taking a weird angle on Poe, and industry news.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #577 /
Diana looks pretty good for 80 years old, with various adventures and bizarre romances. It's Chris and Gene v. Brainiac, a Fable in Gotham, the five year mission comes to a rushed close, a Snifter of Death, how NOT to make a good first impression at the LCS, and paper problems at DC.
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