Crisis on Infinite Loises, A Kent family reunion, the Terrifics tap out on paper, Johns is too busy on Stargirl to get his own comic out, Buffy and Cordelia sittin’ in a tree, the return of Gary Seven, and Distribution Wars--they have begun.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #537 /
Robin’s looking pretty good for 80 years, Jon Kent is the “True Superman”, Mr. Terrific calls in the Reserves, the name is Olsen—Jimmy Olsen, Young vs. Younger Justice, another trippy tale from Mike Allred, and #Coronapocalyse hits the comic industry.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #534 /
Two views of Harley, Bruce is jealous, Shock! Lois survives the explosion, Choose your own Terrifics, Young Justice v Young Justice, Will you be my Trekentine?, and it’s Zero Hour all over again.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #490 /
The Justice League fights trees, Superman clears out the queue, Challengers assemble! Bruce returns a wedding gift, the Flashes go to War, the Fantastic Terrifics, and using a hammer as a “get out of Hell” card--plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #485 /
The Doomsday Clock is running slow, beating the ultimate darkness deserves a party, the Terrifics are stuck together—literally, Bruce talks down Ivy, Bizarro stories am good, a rock star blows up, and some industry news--plus WOTCOEW.