Star Trek: TAS--Yesteryear / by Mark

OK, I'm back after a bit of a delay. November TV sweeps means a lot of new TV, so I didn't get back to this until now.

Episode 2 of the ST animated series is "Yesteryear".  This features Nimoy, and has some decent writing--it does come from D.C. Fontana, one of the major writers from the original series.  Essentially, the Enterprise goes back to the "City on the Edge of Forever" planet--you know, the giant donut that can send you though time.  Of course, someone (I'm looking at you, Kirk) steps on a butterfly, and now no one recognizes Spock.  Spock died during his childhood, then Sarek and Amanda broke up.  An Andorian has taken Spock's place as first officer, and only Kirk and Spock (and a red shirt that went with them thru the giant donut) know the truth.

So, the only choice is for Spock to go back in time to Vulcan to save himself.

Some things to look for:

  • The Guardian of Forever sounds more like a cartoon ghost than a robust narrator
  • Some birdlike crewman running a tricorder
  • A very depressed crewman on a display talking to Kirk
  • Vulcan kids apparently look like trolls, and dress in swim trunks and a bandolier
  • Mark Lenard returns as the voice of Sarek (Amanda is played by Majel)
  • The "teddy bear" sehlat mentioned as Spock's childhood pet is HUGE

Remember, you can play along by watching the show on Netflix!