Star Trek: TAS--More Tribbles, More Troubles / by Mark

Stanley Adams returns as the voice of Cyrano Jones in the sequel to the classic original series episode.

The Enterprise is escorting automated grain ships going to Sherman's Planet (apparently, the first use of quatrotriticale didn't go well).  They spot a Klingon vessel attacking a small ship. They save the occupant of the small ship--at least they get him in a transporter beam. Meanwhile, the Klingons fire a new disruption weapon at the Enterprise that shuts down the ship.  The Klingon wants the pilot for "ecological sabotage".  Kirk uses the grain ships to remotely attack the Klingons, and the Klingon's stasis field is burned out.  The pilot is beamed in--of course, it's Cyrano Jones and his cargo of tribbles.

Cyrano says the tribbles are "safe", because they don't reproduce.  He also has a tribble predator--a glommer.  McCoy determines the tribbles don't reproduce--they just get fat.  They bring the grain onto the ship, and of course the tribbles eat it.  After some space battles and the Enterprise is caught again, they transport the tribbles over to the Klingon ship to immobilize them as well.  The glommer turns out to be the Klingon's goal--they want it to combat a tribble epidemic on their planet.  The glommer is turned over, but it runs in fear from the giant tribbles, which turn out to be colonies.  Hit one with a phaser, and they break up into lots of tribbles.  Hilarty and wacky music ensues.

 Some things to look for:

  • Klingons firing on other ships looks suspiciously like fireworks
  • A weird moment of levity on the helpless Enterprise as Uhura says "Well, we could always throw rocks"
  • The tribbles are pink--why?  Apparently, the animator was color-blind.
  • The glommer looks like a cross between a crab and an octopus.
  • There's a lot of comedy in this episode, just like the original tribble episode.
  • Kirk covers his mouth at one point--did they change the script at one point, and his lips didn't match?
  • The Klingon second in command sounds like Froggy.
  • Kirk goes into smirk overdrive in the last shot.

Remember, you can play along by watching the show on Netflix!