Star Trek: TAS--Eye of the Beholder / by Mark

Another episode written by an original series writer, David P. Harmon (The Deadly Years, A Piece of the Action).

The Enterprise is searching for a lost science team from a deserted ship. Kirk decides to beam down to the planet (of course). They find a weird sea creature, but scare it off with their phasers. Another monster attacks, but this time, the phasers do no good at first. They run, then the monster falls--on McCoy. So, they dig him out.

There are multiple ecosystems--Spock realizes they are artificial. More creatures attack from the sky, but they bounce off an invisible forcefield. Kirk and Co. are grabbed by huge snail-like creatures and taken to a city. They are thrown in a prison cell. Spock realizes the snails are telepathic, but think too fast for him to comprehend. Snails grab them and move them to a new ecosystem--they realize they are in a "zoo". They find the lost science team, and we get more exposition.

Kirk has Spock try to communicate with the snails via telepathy--the snails laugh at them. One of the science team is very sick, but McCoy has no medical tools to help her. They make plans to escape the next time the snails drop off food. Spock realizes if they think about the medical kit, the snails will give it to them--and they do. Spock states that the snails are hyperintelligent, and have the crew stuck in a zoo--probably for life.

Blah-blah-blah--more exposition. They decide to think about one of them being sick, and that a communicator can help them. A snail kid picks up their thoughts and gives it to them--but then takes it back when Kirk tries to call Scotty. The snail kid is accidentally beamed up.  Now the snails are mad, and invade Kirk's mind. He has to fight it or go mad. Meanwhile, the snail kid has made it to the bridge and sends the ship away from the planet (joyriding?). The mental attacks stop, and then the snails gang up on him, so the crew does likewise to protect Kirk. Scotty and the snail kid materializes. He explains he convinced the snail to beam them down. Spock manages to read the snail's minds. The snail kid has convinced the others that the humans are no threat, but should be allowed to leave and evolve. 

Some things to look for:

  • Kirk: "A captain of a ship, no matter his rank, must follow the book."  Hey Kettle, the Pot called--you're black.
  • This is another episode with a lot of exposition. Watch for long still shots with characters talking.
  • One of the science team is clearly Chapel with brunette hair
  • When Kirk's mind is invaded, he looks like he's got an Excedrin headache
  • Even in voice only form, Kirk does some powerful overacting
  • How did Scotty communicate with the snail kid and convince him to beam them down in a matter of minutes?  The science team had been on the planet for weeks with no success! Scotty is apparently a good father figure.

Remember, you can play along by watching the show on Netflix!