Star Trek: TAS--The Magicks of Megas-Tu / by Mark

"The Magicks of Megus-Tu" starts with a science mission to the center of the galaxy. We get some trippy and yet cheap effects outside the ship. They get sucked into a "whirlwild" and are thrown into a weird dimension. The ship's systems shut down and in a matter of seconds (?) there's no air on the bridge. A suspiciously devilish figure appears and saves them--he's called Lucien. 

He takes Kirk, Spock, and McCoy down to his planet, and after more trippy stuff, the planet ends up looking more generic. Lucien explains how the planet runs on "magic", and how peaceful they are. They also journeyed once to Earth--the source of elves, fairies, demons, etc. He sends them back to the ship.

Spock draws a pentagram on the floor and tries out magic--it works! Lucien shows back up and so do the authorities. They drop the crew into Salem, MA and into stocks. We get more backstory--they were persecuted on Earth. Spock plays defense counselor and convinces the planet's inhabitants that Earth has changed for the better. Lucien, however, is found guilty (he's also called Lucifer!) Kirk defends Lucifer with magic. They realize his intentions are good and all is well.

Some things to look for:

  • Kirk is turned into a top at one point
  • Lucien has a big booming voice
  • McCoy's voice gets cut off at one point--he is supposed to say, "Forget it Spock", but says "Get it Spock"
  • You definitely couldn't get away with a pentagram on Saturday morning cartoons today
  • During the attack on the ship, McCoy changes into a yellow shirt for a moment
  • I love how Arex has a third hole in the stocks for his third hand
  • The Enterprise computer records include data tapes and punch cards

Remember, you can play along by watching the show on Netflix!