Aquaman - The Volcanic Monster / The Crimson Monster from the Pink Pool / by Mark

Richard Sandler wrote "The Volcanic Monster".  Unless he also did photography in 1980's New York (I think it's a different guy), this was his only foray into the arts.

We begin in the Aquacave. A dead volcano has restarted, and they go to--well, they go. A monster comes out of the volcano (hence the title) and throws fireballs. Tusky is trapped in some rocks, and Aquaman gets him free. He starts throwing hard water balls to stop the fireballs (makes sense).  Aquaman and Tusky are sucked toward the volcano. Aquaman calls in the sea horses to drag them out. Then, he brings in the dolphins to counter the whirlpool created by the volcano. One of the dolphins are hurt, and he and Tusky are trapped by the monster. More hard water balls distract him, then Aquaman calls in the fish troops to fight his battles for him (boiled fish, anyone?). Whales then knock boulders onto it to bury it. Tusky is, of course, in the middle of it and Aquaman has to save him. 

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (15)
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Jumping Jellyfish 
  • I've been meaning to ask--how does all the electronic equipment in the Aquacave work underwater?
  • There's a jumpcut early in the episode--a few frames are replayed
  • How does Aqualad (or anyone else for that matter) pant and struggle for breath underwater?
  • I love how the sea horses whinny
  • Sad or embarrassed Tusky reminds me of Jack Benny with his hand on his chin


Oscar Bensol returns for the rather suggestive title of "The Crimson Monster From the Pink Pool". 

We're back with Tusky, who finds the aforementioned pink pool, which is poisonous. Then, the crimson monster comes out of the pool (kinds of writes itself, doesn't it?). It can dissolve rocks with a powerful acid. Tusky goes for help, and our heroes race into action. The one eyed monster is causing havoc by dissolving and throwing things, and is on it's way to Atlantis. Aquaman charges in and tries to ride it--no good. Tusky and the gang continue the fight. Aquaman throws a clamshell onto the monster to block the acid. More hard water  balls follow, and octopi are called in to help. The octopus ink neutralizes the acid and turns our pink monster blue. Fish troops are called in, and Aqualad lassos him with a whale, so they tow him back to the pool, which is then neutralized as well.

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (17)
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Holy Halibut, Soaring Sailfish 
  • The opening music sting seems slowed down--maybe the animation didn't match?
  • The octopus ink also turns Aquaman's hair black for a few frames

Remember, you can play along by watching the show on iTunesAmazon Instant Video, or VUDU. You can also buy the DVD on Amazon.