Star Trek TNG: To the Finish Line! / by Mark

We've made it to the final four episodes of Next Generation...

  • "Emergence" starts with another example of the crew having apparently unlimited free time--in this case, more acting lessons for Data. It's also another chance for the cast to show what great ACTORS they are. In another retread from previous episodes, the holodeck screws up and almost runs a train over Picard and Data. The whole ship is going crazy--warping to another system with no one "making it so", and brand new components showing up in Jeffries Tubes. After some technobablle, a return to the holodeck leads them onto the aforementioned train--"The Orient Express" with additions from other programs. It's clear the holodeck has taken over the Enterprise--which is also becoming sentient. Now Picard is worried about "hurting the emerging lifeform". More metaphorical mumbo-jumbo, a mysterious "brick", and what looks like a glowing art project in a cargo hold follow. In the end, the art project in the cargo hold becomes a new life form and leaves the ship. Picard is very smug about the whole thing.
  • Recurring character Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes) manages to sneak in one final appearance in "Preemptive Strike". She's back on the ship after "advanced tactical training". Maquis ships ("terrorists" we'll see later in Voyager) attack a Cardassian ship, forcing the Enterprise to intervene. Big brass at Starfleet get involved, and Picard suggests an undercover operative--Laren. She accepts, so she's off to the Cantina--er, an alien bar to infiltrate the Maquis. After some dicey action, she gains their trust. Word comes that the Cardassians are about to arm their people with bio-technobabble, so they decide to move on the proverbial "strike". Laren and a Maquis use a shuttle to "steal" some medical supplies from the Enterprise. She later returns by herself and briefs Picard--he is ready with a Maquis trap. Laren goes through with it, but is clearly torn--one of the Maquis has become a father figure to her. After an "audition scene for young Bajorans", Cardassians attack, killing the elder Maquis. She meets Picard at the bar and tells him she can't go through with it--Picard counters by sending Riker back with her. She doublecrosses him, betraying the Federation hidden position in a nebula, and the Maquis escape. Laren goes off with them--Picard is, to say the least, disappointed. Picard's attitude and actions during the whole episode seemed strange--perhaps this was another script from the slush pile?
  • It's time for the two-part finale, "All Good Things...". Worf and Troi discuss whether they should tell Riker about their relationship, then Picard shows up very agitated--he thinks he's moving back and forth in time. Suddenly, he's tending the vineyards in France, with a beard. Geordi arrives with new technobabble eyes replacing his visor. He married Leah Brahms, and has three kids. Picard has a degenerative disease, and is seeing things. Suddenly, he's with Tasha Yar on a shuttle, about to board the Enterprise for the first time--then he's back with Troi. Crusher runs tests and finds evidence he could someday get the disease. To make things worse, there's evidence that Romulans are about to attack, so the Enterprise is set to investigate. Oops--he's back in the vineyard, scaring Geordi with his visions. They go see Data--now a professor at Cambridge, with a shock of grey hair (which he added himself, of course). There's a bunch of cats around (Spot's descendants). Oops--he's back boarding the Enterprise for the first time. Troi's in the short skirt, O'Brien is there as well. He keeps seeing visions of people laughing at him. There's more warnings about the Romulans in this time as well. Back to the present--he explains what he saw, but the others have no memories of it. There's a awkward scene with Worf, Troi, and Riker--he learns about the relationship. Picard and Crusher have a tender moment and they kiss. Oops--back to the future. Picard insists that they have to go to the Romulan neutral zone--but there is no such thing (the Klingons took it over). They call up Admiral Riker (now with grey hair), but he's no help. They go to the USS Pasteur, Captain Crusher-Picard commanding. They also need help from the Klingons--what about Worf? Back to the past--Picard is waiting for Q--this is when they are supposed to meet. Another shift--we're back to the trial from "Encounter at Farpoint"--and Q is there. Picard demands answers, but Q is cagey as always. The trial never ended--until now. Q judges humanity guilty, and will be destroyed--by Picard. Back to the future--they talk to Worf, but he refuses to help, until Picard shames him into it. Back to the past--Troi is concerned about Picard's erratic behavior. There's a shot of Riker sans beard--they cleverly use a stock shot from Season 1 and have him speak off camera. Back to the present--they get the Romulans to agree to allow the Enterprise in the neutral zone and a time anomaly--this also happens in the past. However, it's not in the future? Picard and his ex-wife quarrel. She tells him he might be imagining all of this. Q shows up and taunts him again--then tells him he needs to use his knowledge form time. Back to the present--he tells Data about some technobabble future Data told him. Use of the technobabble starts regenerating Geordi's eyes, and starts repairing other's injuries. Back to the past--Picard continues to use his time knowledge. Back to the future--Klingon ships attack. We noticed that McFadden is talking strangely--maybe the age prosthetics? The Enterprise-E (with three nacelles and a cloak) arrives and takes out the Klingons. They beam off Crusher's ship before her ship blows up. Worf and Riker fight (obviously, something happened to Troi at some point). Picard insists they stay, and Crusher drugs him. Back to the present--Nurse Ogawa lost her baby due to time anomaly. Q's back again--more taunts. He blinks them back to Earth--3.5 billion years ago. The anomaly is there too--it's growing as you go back in time. The anomaly stops the beginnings of life. Picard is switching through times very quickly now. In the future, we learn of Troi's funeral, and the others suggest Riker and Worf bury the hatchet. Picard rushes in--the tachyon beam from the three periods caused the anomaly! Data believes him, and technobabble ensues. Riker agrees, and asks Worf to join them on the bridge. Picard goes back to the present and past, and shuts off the tachyon beam in both cases. No good--it doesn't help. Future Data says they have to go into the anomaly--in all three times. Past Yar demands an explanation, and Picard gives a speech. Present Data figures it out as well. Past, present, and future Enterprises meet. Past Enterprise doesn't survive, then the present ship is out, then--Picard is back at the trial with Q. It worked--humanity is saved. Q did give him a hand--but the trial never ends. Picard is back at the beginning of the episode, and all is well. We end the series at the poker table, and Picard joins them...whew!

That's it for TNG (although we will cover the movies soon). We will move onto Deep Space Nine next time.  Star Trek: The Next Generation (and all the Trek series) is available on Netflix.