Justice League Unlimited: Into the Home Stretch / by Mark

We've made it to the last disc of the DVD boxed set...

  • In "The Great Brain Robbery", we return to Grodd and Lex at odds with each other. Luthor wants to bring back Brianiac, while the rest of the Legion is losing confidence. Meanwhile, Dr. Fate wants to use Flash's mind to find Grodd (he once took over Wally). They end up switching Lex's mind into Flash and vice-versa. I love how Wally tries to play the bad guy--at one point "Lex" and Dr. Polaris have it out in a men's room, and when asked if he's going to wash his hands, he says no--that's how evil he is. He also has to fight off Tala's advances--they infer that that had a quick liaison. Meanwhile,"Flash" gives the League all they can handle--at one point (again in a men's room), Lex decides at least he can find out the Flash's secret ID, but when he takes off his mask, he has no idea who he is. Back with the Legion, Grodd has figured it out, but decided to watch the fun. The Legion goes on a big job, stealing a money train. In the middle of it, "Flash" calls and tells them the truth. League and Legion duke it out, but they get away. Mr. Terrific takes out "Wally" with a gravity trick, and Fate swaps them back. Back at the Legion, in the midst of a mutiny, Lex shows he can override the group's powers (of course).
  • "Grudge Match" brings back Roulette, now running a much lower rent "meta-brawl". She decides to ask Lex for better talent, and he counters with all-girl matches, getting heroes involved. Huntress finds Black Canary off her game, and confides to Question (who's busy discovering the 32rd ice cream flavor). Huntress tails her and finds Canary and Fire battling each other for a crowd--Roulette has them under mental control, using their own comlinks against them. Huntress and Canary end up fighting Shayera and Vixen. The comlinks are taken out, but all four are pitted against Wonder Woman. Their fight takes out the underground arena, and the mind control signal is shut down. I don't see how the bad guys thought they could get away with this for long, especially once Diana was involved.
  • We get another Legion in "Far From Home"--the Legion of Super-Heroes from the 31st century. It's a group of super-powered teenagers inspired by the Justice League. Brainiac 5 (Matt Czuchry)--don't worry, he's a good guy--goes back in time (via the infamous "time bubble") and abducts Supergirl during a training session, grabbing Green Arrow and GL in the bargain. The Legion has been captured by the Fatal Five with the exception of Brainiac 5 and Bouncing Boy (Googy Gress), and they need help. Kara is smitten with B5 (as she was in the comics)--unfortunately, the historical records say that she never returns to her own time, but they can't tell her. Emerald Empress (Joanne Walley) and the Persuader (Kin Shriner) pop in and quickly make work of our heroes, taking over their minds and grabbing GL. GA plays matchmaker with Kara and B5 while the Fatal Five make their plans. They track down GL, and the controlled Legion attack. B5 tells Kara her fate, but she is resolute--a quick kiss from Kara, and the battle is on. We get cameos (some just a few frames) from Ultra BoySaturn GirlTimber WolfColossal BoyPhantom GirlBlokWildfireCosmic BoyShadow Lass, and Lightning Lad. Yes, I know the names are goofy--it was the Silver Age of comics. Kara manages to keep up with the whole group, including GL.  Meanwhile, GA and B5 break into the bad guy's ship--GA amped up his arrows with 31st century tech--and stop the mind control. We cut back to the aftermath--GL holding Kara in a tribute to a Crisis on Infinite Earths cover. She's OK though, and she and the Legion take out the Fatal Five. Kara decides to stay in the future--she never really fit in the present anyway. We finish up with a Clark getting the news--and wondering who her new boyfriend is.

If you would like to play along, the DVD box set is available on Amazon.