Justice League Unlimited: Season 5 Continues / by Mark

Finally getting back to JLU...

  • "Flash and Substance" begins in a dive bar for super-villains, with several of Flash's Rogues in attendance including The TopWeather Wizard, Dr. Alchemy, and Mr. Element. Mirror Master (Alexis Denisof), Captain Cold (Lex Lang), Trickster (Mark Hamill) and Captain Boomerang (Donal Gibson) complain about the opening of the Flash Museum--sounds like the perfect time to strike. Meanwhile, Wally is leaving work early--he works as a CSI scientist for the police (as Barry did in the comics). He beams up to the Watchtower to get someone to join him at the opening--Bruce (?!?) and Orion (Ron Perlman) agree to go. On the way, Wally gets:
    • trapped in an abandoned skate palace--it's a mirrored disco death trap!
    • attacked by boomerangs, including a giant one (just like in the comics)
  • They visit the dive bar--Pied PiperAbra Kadabra, and the Wizard make cameos. They find The Trickster drowning his sorrows (the other Rogues don't respect him). Orion plays "really bad cop", but Wally realizes the Trickster is off his meds, and after learning the plan, gets the villain to promise to turn himself in. Off to the Flash Museum, with Linda Park (Kim Mai Guest) reporting--she's got a crush on him (they got married in the comics). The Rogues attack, and Turtle Man, the Superman/Flash race  Kid Flash (was Wally Kid Flash in this continuity?) all appear in the background. Linda falls into the mirror dimension, Wally saves her, and the Rogues are taken out.
  • Deadman (Raphael Sbarge) checks in for the appropriately named "Dead Reckoning". He's former circus performer Boston Brand, murdered during a performance--now a ghost that can inhabit living bodies. We're at Nanda Parbat (mystical Himalayan site)--the Legion of Doom beams in, and a throng of young monks attack. It takes Bizarro to stop them. The "Master" of Nanda Parbat is killed, and the "heart" of the city (a mystical sphere) is nabbed, along with the souls of the monks. Boston is off to the Watchtower--he inhabits Clark and gets Bruce and Diana to help him. The Legion attacks Gorilla City to get a generator. Deadman inhabits Diana and almost kills Devil Ray before relenting. Grodd has time to set off his weapon--a wave that will rewrite human DNA to apes. It works temporarily until Super-ape rips out the weapon. Devil Ray sneaks up and almost kills Diana before Boston inhabits Bruce's body and shoots him--killing him. Boston has more work to do to balance the scales. For his duplicity, Lex shoots Grodd and takes over the Legion.
  • Shades of Captain America? "Patriot Act" introduces a "super-soldier"--except one being created for the Nazis in WW2. In a great black and white sequence, Spy Smasher (Nathan Fillion) stops the evil plan--or does he? Apparently not, since Gen. Eiling (J.K. Simmons) gets hold of the formula. He meets with Waller, determined to stop the League--but Amanda will have none of it. The big guns are working in space to stop a supernova, so it's up to Mr. Terrific (Michael Beach), Shining Knight (Chris Cox), Vigilante, Stargirl, S.T.R.I.P.E., and Green Arrow to cover another mission--a parade in Metropolis. Meanwhile, Eiling breaks into Cadmus and takes the Nazi serum (still active)? It's turns him into, well, the Hulk. He attacks the parade--none of the heroes' weapons have any effect on him (keep in mind none of them have powers). Finally, reinforcements arrive--Crimson Avenger and Speedy (Mike Erwin)? Fortunately, the latter has a "quantum arrow". Unfortunately, it doesn't work either. In the end, it takes an old lady civilian to make Eiling realize he's the monster, not the League.

If you would like to play along, the DVD box set is available on Amazon.