Aquaman - The Onslaught of the Octomen / Treacherous is the Torpedoman / by Mark

It's title alliteration!

Oscar Bensol brings us "The Onslaught of the Octomen".

Aqualad finds a secret city, and he and Tusky are grabbed. The Octo-King is using him to lure the Sea King and learn the secret of telepathy. Aqualad calls for help, and Aquaman leads his seahorses in. Aquaman is grabbed, and calls in fish to help him out. He reaches Aqualad, but the octo-guards recapture them. The Octo-king orders the Sea King to tell him the secret of telepathy, and he responds with an example--in comes the fish army. The Octo-King calls in a "Force Monster" (some energy-based creature), and threatens Aquaman with it.  the fish army are thrown into harms way, and the generator is turned all the way up, exploding the monster and the city.

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (23)
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Bouncing Butterfish
  • Why does Aquaman not RIDE the seahorse?
  • I think Haney was watching Forbidden Planet when he was writing this episode


Bob Haney writes "Treacherous is the Torpedoman".

Tusky is playing--he's found an old sunken ship. Hiding on it is Torpedoman, an armored bad guy with an echo effect. He attacks, launching himself at them. Aquaman lassos him, then calls in barracudas and paddlefish. Torpedoman transforms into an anchor, then attacks again. The villain activates an electric grid to trap them, but Torpedoman runs into it. Aquaman calls in fish to absorb the electricity, then Torpedoman traps them in a normal net, and starts pushing the ship off a ledge. Aquaman calls in a giant octopus to pull off the metal net. Torpedoman goes down with the ship. 

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (25)
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Jumping Jackfish, Suffering Sunfish, Wailing Wolfish, Jumping Jellyfish 
  • What happens to the guy inside the armor when he transforms? That must hurt.
  • Why doesn't the electric grid electrocute everyone in the area? They are underwater, after all.

Remember, you can play along by watching the show on iTunesAmazon Instant Video, or VUDU. You can also buy the DVD on Amazon.