Aquaman: In Captain 'Cuda's Clutches / The Mirror-Man from Planet Imago / by Mark

Bob Haney brings in a classic JLA villain and gives another a nickname for alliteration's sake "In Captain 'Cuda's Clutches". 

Aquaman and Aqualad are on their way back to the Aquacave (perhaps to get some Aquaburgers and Aquafries) when Tusky manages to find trouble again. A jewel in the Aquacave (a monitor for the Jewel people) shows a scary face--it's Captain Barracuda (dressed like a blue conquistador) and Starro, an alien starfish. They are attacking the Jewel people, so off go our heroes.

Starro "inks" the Jewel people (not like tattooing), and the Captain shoots an energy based weapon at the Aqua-duo which paralyzes Aqualad.  The Sea King calls in Star-Gazers, which shock the teen back into health. They don't know where the bad guys are, but Tusky brought the monitor jewel with him so they can find the Jewel people. Of course, they took refuge in their city (where else would they go?). Starro pulls at the jeweled dome, but here comes our heroes with the fish troops. Starro then tries to shock and ink them, but Pufferfish suck up the ink (I don't think that's how they work). The fish army continue the fight, but our Captain keeps paralyzing them. Tusky distracts Barracuda and Aquaman tackles him. The Jewel people give the Sea King a gift, and put the Captain to work mining for more jewels.

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (49), Minnow (14)  
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Cowering Cowfish, Flipping Flatfish, Wailing Wolffish, Suffering Sea Snakes
  • Seems awfully convenient that Tusky brought the monitor jewel with him--wasn't he just scared of it earlier?
  • Why would Jewel people mine for jewels? Seems like cannibalism.
  • Starro is one of the many Silver Age DC villains with a name ending in "O" (AmazoKanjar RoChemo, Eclipso...)  
  • Starro is more of a henchman than an actual villain here--he does seem to get away at the end though


Dennis Marks brings us "The Mirror-Man from Planet Imago" (sponsored by Xerox). 

Aquaman is fighting the Brain's henchmen--he then goes into the Brain's ship! It's not Aquaman--it's a duplicate from the Planet Imago (you can tell he's the dupe because his eyes are extra-sparkly). The Brain plans to do the old switcheroo! Aqua-dupe commands the fish in the sea to fight (now there's a pay-per-view event!). The real Sea King sees the problem from the Aquacave, so they go check it out. He orders the fish to stop fighting, but it just confuses them, so they have to step in. The Brain uses this opportunity to attack Aqualad and take him back to the ship. It was just a ruse to knock out Aquaman and switch him out with the duplicate! He fools Aqualad but not his steed or Tusky, who gets a real shaking from the faux Sea King. Aqualad is just confused.

The real Aquaman is trapped under a heat beam--he's about to get served with drawn butter! He uses a magnifying glass he happens to have on him to burn a hole in the ship. Meanwhile, Aqua-dupe evicts Aqualad from the Aquacave. He then contacts the Brain and preps to open the doors to Atlantis. The Brain learns about the hole in the ship--Aquaman has escaped! Aqualad and Tusky commiserate, but then the real Aquaman appears and explains what is going on. The real and faux Aquamen battle it out. No one knows who's who, including The Brain, who blasts the duplicate. Aquaman does the old wall of water spinning trick and blows up the ship. The Aqua-dupe explains his planet was fooled--they though the Sea King was the bad guy. 

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (50), Minnow (15), Sardine (1)  Note: I'm counting Aqua-dupe's nicknames as well.
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Jumping Jellyfish, Holy Hogfish. Jumping Jackfish
  • So Aquaman carries around a magnifying glass just in case?

Remember, you can play along by watching the show on iTunesAmazon Instant Video, or VUDU. You can also buy the DVD on Amazon.