Aquaman - Programmed for Destruction / The War of the Quatix and the Bimphars / by Mark

Dennis Marks IS "Programmed for Destruction".

We're in yet another cave turned into a villain's HQ--this time, it's The Brain. He's built a computer with all Aqua-facts, in order to learn the best way to destroy our heroes. The computer (which talks, as all 1960's computers do) recommends "positive buoyancy" to force Aquaman to the surface. In order to build the ray, they need oxymite from deep sea emeralds--so the Brain and his henchman are off to do some mining.

The sets off an alarm in the Aquacave, and our heroes go check it out. Explosions and digging are seen. The Sea King decides to go in alone, allowing Aqualad and Tusky to be captured with a viscosity gun. Aquaman sees this, and is then captured as well. Dolphins are called in, who set up high frequency soundwaves to break them out. Meanwhile, the Brain has completed his buoyancy weapon, and the Sea King is worried. He calls in the whole fish army, but the ray starts zapping them and they float up to the surface. Aqualad and Tusky are hit, and up they go. Aquaman goes to find a strange huge fish with one big eye that acts like a mirror, reflecting the ray back on the ship.  The Brain abandons ship, allowing the Sea King to sneak on the reverse the ray. A whale takes out the ship.

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (57), Minnow (22)
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Leaping Lampreys, Jumping Jellyfish
  • I knew dolphins were smart, but I had no idea they could generate special frequencies by swimming around!
  • "The Secret of Positive Buoyancy"--is that the new Harry Potter novel?
  • Why do villains on this show send out their henchmen when they already have our heroes on the ropes? Seems counterproductive.


Dennis Marks also brings us "The War of the Quatix and the Bimphabs" (ask your doctor about Quatix).

Aqualad and Tusky are playing when Aquaman calls them in--there's a top secret mission. The military has discovered Planet Q344, an all water world. They have no way to explore it, so they have called in our heroes to go there. When do they go? Now, since there's no need for any training to run the water-filled rocket. The Aquaheroes (including Tusky) blast off! They are then told they have all of three hours to explore a planet and get back to the ship, or get marooned there. The animated DCU must have better rocket tech than we do, since they reach this faraway planet before the opening credits.

They splashdown and take a look around. Aquaman warns the teen to be careful. Aqualad goes for a snack, but the plant traps him in metal bars while alien fish swoop in. Aquaman's telepathy doesn't work on them, so he's captured as well. The aliens consider them as spies (which they essentially are), and call them Bimphabs--they are the Quatix. They are taken to a cave with a "Crial"--a huge squidlike creature. Aquaman manages to break free, but the Bimphabs arrive and attack. The Quatix see that he is fighting them, so they ally with him. The Bimphabs capture Aqualad and Tusky--we learn they live on a small island (the only land on the planet), and offer to save Aquaman if the teen helps them. Aqualad reluctantly agrees, since they have to get back to the ship. The Sea King is offered the same deal for the Quatix. The two armies meet--Aquaman signals the teen to break away and attack both armies. The generals on both sides are captured by the Crial--turns out Aqua-telepathy works on him. Both sides agree to terms to avoid being the Crial's lunch. Our heroes return to the ship just in time. 

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (58), Minnow (25)
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Leaping Lampreys, Holy Mackerel, Galloping Guppies. Aquaman counters with Great Grunion.
  • We get a political statement at the end as our heroes say "peace"

Remember, you can play along by watching the show on iTunesAmazon Instant Video, or VUDU. You can also buy the DVD on Amazon.