Star Trek TNG: More of Season 1 / by Mark

We're continuing to plow through Star Trek: The Next Generation on Netflix--getting close to running out the first season.  A few notes:

  • You can definitely see the late 1980's influence on the show. We don't have any real enemies, and the ship is doing more exploring than fighting battles. Aliens have ridiculously skimpy clothing.
  • I didn't remember Wesley being so annoying! He wants to be taken seriously, and then does such stupid things.
  • The "holodeck is on the fritz" meme has begun.  It seems incredibly dangerous for as a leisure activity. People are trapped, crewmen die...
  • They've already started to pull Data back on the wacky antics--thank goodness!
  • There are a number of "moral quandary" episodes with the Prime Directive discussed a lot.  Having people give speeches is a great way to make a cheap episode.
  • They also went for the cheap on Admiral Jameson's "old guy" makeup in "Too Short a Season". Perhaps it's just seeing it on a bigger screen, but I've seen better jobs in high school productions.
  • We get a "Wrath of Khan" reunion of sorts with Merrick Butrick (Preppy David) and Judson Scott (Khan's lackey), now playing stoner and drug dealer respectively in "Symbiosis"
  • That same episode includes the last scene shot of Denise Crosby as Tasha Yar--it was produced after "Skin of Evil" where she is offed.  Apparently, you can see her wave at the camera in her final shot.
  • We also get a blatant "just say no" PSA in this episode, where Wesley is confused why people would get addicted to drugs. I couldn't help but saying "...and knowing is half the battle!  G I JOOOOOE!" at the end of the scene.
  • Explain to me again why families are on the Enterprise?  It seems to hamper the operations and decisions a lot.

We'll finish up Season 1 and go onto all the changes, good and bad, in Season 2 soon.  Star Trek: The Next Generation is available on Netflix--more to come!