Star Trek TNG: Onto Season 2 / by Mark

We've now made it to Season 2 of TNG.  This was a strange period for the show. Ratings had dropped since the premiere, and since it was an expensive show to produce, some at Paramount were considering dropping it, as were some of the independent affiliate stations. Also, there was a writer's strike at the time, which delayed the season premiere from September to November.

Patrick Stewart hosted a special that reminded viewers of what had gone on in the first season, as well as all the changes to come in the new season:

  • The introduction of the Ten Forward lounge
  • A new character, Guinan, played by Whoopi Goldberg
  • A new CMO, Dr. Katherine Pulaski, played by Star Trek veteran Diana Muldaur
  • According to Gates McFadden, she left the series and the role of Dr. Crusher when the head writer at the time, Maurice Hurley, allegedly sexually harassed her. She only returned once he left at the end of Season 2.
  • LaForge was now Chief Engineer, resolving an issue since the premiere
  • Worf was now officially Chief of Security
  • Riker now has a beard and mustache
  • The "onesie" uniforms were replaced with a tunic and pants

If all these changes seem scattershot, that's because they were. The special was a "Hail Mary" pass to keep affiliates on board until November.

With all that being said, onto the episodes:

  • "The Child" opened up the new season. It was actually a slight rewrite of a "Star Trek: Phase 2" script. Phase 2 was an attempt in the 1970's to resurrect the show with most of the original crew, which eventually morphed into the first ST movie. The reuse of an existing script was due to the writer's strike at the time.
  • They also tried to explain the disappearance of Dr. Crusher. Making her head of Starfleet Medical could make sense, but the fact that Wesley didn't go with her at the same time does not.
  • Adding the Guinan character seems like an attempt to reduce costs, despite the added expense of the Ten Forward. A scene with people talking is always cheaper than an action scene, and that was her role on the show.
  • The writers decided to make the Dr. Pulaski character rather antagonistic about Data. I think they were trying to set up a Spock/McCoy relationship, but when she would try to trade barbs with him, Data would just look hurt. The fans hated this and her character--"boo, we love Data, and we hate you!"  This pushed Data into the third lead on the show, and Pulaski off the series.
  • Miles O'Brien (Colm Meaney) appeared in minor roles during the first season, but is now the transporter chief.
  • "Elementary, Dear Data" continued the "Holodeck is on the fritz" meme. Again, I fail to see why such a dangerous product is used for recreation.
  • "The Outrageous Okona" seems like a "Mary Sue" story--a type of fan fiction where a guest star (normally, but not always a woman) comes in,

That's plenty for now--more of Season 2 to come.  Star Trek: The Next Generation is available on Netflix--more to come!