Aquaman - The Silver Sphere / To Catch a Fisherman / by Mark

It's the final episodes of Aquaman! Dennis Marks brings us "The Silver Sphere".

A sulfur pit on the border of the Lizardman and Tortoid's kingdoms spits out the aforementioned sphere. Plant life grows "magically", and the two sentries each decide they want the sphere. A fight ensues, a war begins, and Aquaman comes in to break it up. Aquaman sets up a sports competition and a complicated set of rules to determine who keeps the sphere. Unfortunately, Black Manta also hears about the sphere, and tries to grabs Aqualad as a diversion to get it--a Tortoid saves the teen, and he joins their team. A race through "cactoids" (underwater cacti?) catches the Lizardman swimmer, and Aqualad goes to save him--but he was faking. The Sea King figures out that Manta has the sphere, and goes after him. Manta tests the sphere successfully, but Aquaman rushes in and is then trapped.

Meanwhile, the games go on--now it's wrestling. Aqualad wins, but the Lizardmen now figure out the sphere is gone and suspect Aquaman (who's conveniently missing). Both parties tell the teen he's a goner if he doesn't return. Back to Manta, who tells his henchmen to watch Aquaman while he's gone (bad idea Manta). Aquaman calls in guppies--small enough not to be noticed, but big enough to push the sphere. Up come the plants, and Aquaman is freed. Meanwhile, Aqualad is in the Olympic "carry a boulder on a tightrope over a sulfur pit" event. A Lizardman isn't as lucky, but Tusky saves him. Now, Aquaman is back--with the sphere. A battle ensues with Manta,  whose ship goes into the pit. The Tortoids are awarded the sphere, but both parties decide they will share it. 

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (65)
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Bumbling Blowfish, Leaping Lampreys
  • This is a "message" episode--like an After School special
  • The whole Olympic bit is very weird
  • You have to assume that Manta's ship goes in the sulfur pit--we watched the shot multiple times, and the ship is knocked toward it by a whale, but the animation is so bad, you don't really see it go in
  • This whole episode seems like a Silver Age comic story, but I can't find a comic book reference


Bob Haney brings down the curtain with "To Catch a Fisherman" (with Chris Hansen).

Tusky and Imp are playing, but Tusky disappears, and Imp goes for help. Our heroes begin a search, and Aquaman decides to call on the "Old Man of the Sea", who apparently knows everything. The Old Man, who lives in a clam, tells them they have to go "where the sea burns". It's not a metaphor--they go to an undersea volcano.

They find Tusky in lava--it's a toy replica! The Fisherman (of the title) set it up, and dives in a small ship to attack. A harpoon picks up some lava and spins around them to form a prison. Aqualad gets out via a small hole, but is attacked by depth charges. The Sea King calls in the fish troops while Aqualad sneaks away. He's off to talk to the Old Man again, only to find him and Tusky in chains. Tusky  is freed, but the Old Man tells him to leave now--Aquaman needs his help. More cryptic messages--"a two legged fish can only be caught by a two legged bait". Back to Aquaman--the fish troops are getting hit with more trick harpoons. Aqualad remembers the Old Man, and realizes he has to be the bait. The Fisherman tries to catch the teen in a net, and a fight ensues. This gives the fish troops (whales in this case) enough time to break Aquaman out of the lava prison. Aquaman and the troops go to finish off the villain, but he warns them he will blow them all up. Tusky uses the replica to distract the Fisherman, and they wrap him up. THe Old Man of the Sea is freed, and explains that he didn't send them into danger--the Fisherman did it, disguised as him. The final shot of the series is the standard "let's head for home" from the Sea King, with Tusky clapping.

Some things to look for:

  • Aquaman's nickname for Aqualad count: Tadpole (68), Minnow (27), Sardine (3)
  • Aqualad catchphrase attempts: Jumping Jackfish, Mumbling Mantis, Holy Mackerel, Blubbering Blowfish, Leaping Lampreys. I guess he was using up his stock for the final episode.
  • If you knew someone who literally knows everything, would you bother him trying to find a missing pet?
  • Fisherman now has trick harpoons, similar to Green Arrow's trick arrows?
  • How did the burly Fisherman disguise himself as the wispy Old Man?

Next time, we'll wrap up Aquaman (in some old newspapers).

Remember, you can play along by watching the show on iTunesAmazon Instant Video, or VUDU. You can also buy the DVD on Amazon.