Hogan's Heroes - Part 14 / by Mark

We're moving onto Season 4...

  • Schultz accidentally sees something he shouldn't have seen, and now he's off to the Eastern Front. It's a "Clearance Sale at the Black Market". Murray Slaughter--sorry, Gavin MacLeod returns as the heavy that the boys have to blackmail.
  • To get an electronics expert out of Germany, Hogan turns a rabbit trap into a high tech secret in "Klink vs. the Gonculator". Noam Pitlik guest stars--he had dozens of TV roles including one of Bob Hartley's regular patients on "The Bob Newhart Show", and then became a prolific TV director. There's some great interplay between Klemperer, Banner, and Askin in this episode.
  • Newkirk subs for Hogan at an Underground meeting--unfortunately, it's a trap---"How to Catch a Papa Bear". The guest star Fay Spain will also be seen in a Season 5 Hogan episode. She had TV roles from the 1950's to the 1970's.
  • Crittendon's back! Now he's taking over Underground efforts in "Hogan's Trucking Service...We Deliver the Factory to You". To be honest, they've turned Crittendon into an unbelievable buffoon by this point in the series. For a moment, I thought I was watching F Troop.
  • The Gestapo's given up on violence--they've decided to use feminine wiles on our boys in "To the Gestapo with Love". One of the three "interrogators" was played by Sabrina Scharf, also seen in a Star Trek episode (I am Kirok!). There's a cut in the opening credits of this episode--perhaps it was running long?
  • We're back in generic sitcom territory--the boys adopt a dog, Hogan has to hide a roll of film in the dog's bone, and the dog buries it.  Now they have to follow the dog around the camp to get it back in "Man's Best Friend is Not His Dog". Mr. Whipple (Dick Wilson) is back a as a prison camp inspector.

Cast info:

Jon Cedar (Corp. Langenscheidt) was the bumbling guard who acted as Schultz' backup--he appeared 17 times on the series. Cedar served in WWII in Italy, then toured in off-Broadway and traveling productions including South Pacific and Irma La Douce. His television roles outside of Hogan included MatlockBarnaby Jones  MoonlightingThe Rockford Files, and Murder, She Wrote. Film roles included Foxy BrownCapricorn One, and The Condorde...Airport '79. He also produced the horror film The Manitou in 1978. He passed away in 2011.

Remember, you can play along! The DVD box set is available on Amazon