QISE Review - Day 9 / by Mark

Running total hours recorded on my Tivo, starting with the Opening ceremony through midnight Sunday--265 hours so far.

  • Another day, another Tivo overnight crash. At least I caught it earlier this time.
  • Back at Track and Field--in a bit of British whimsy, a mini-Mini Cooper RC car is used to return the discuses (disci?) back to the starting point
  • Clearly, the home team advantage in QISE is real--how else would you explain how Murray dismantled Federer in men's tennis?
  • NBC prepped the audience for tonight's women's gymnastics with a short film on Olga Korbut. You can't overestimate how her performance in the 1972 Muinch games transformed the sport.
  • I can't separate the synchronized swimming event from the SNL film with Shearer, Short, and Guest (see the video above--we'll see how long before Kabletown pulls it). NBC has added a camera trick to show the competitors above and below the water at the same time, which helps a lot.
  • I'm wondering how QISE events are scheduled--in some cases, they are stacked on top of each other, while others have days between them. For example, Murray had an hour between his singles and mixed doubles gold medal tennis matches (each of which take hours to complete), while synchronized swimming has a day scheduled between their 2 1/2 minute routines.
  • Prime time begins with a 30 minute interview between Costas and Phelps. Much of this was shown last night, so I'm guessing that NBC assumed the 7-8p block would be soft in terms of ratings.
  • I think the whole evening is lacking for major events--perhaps why we also get a Mary Carillo report on James Bond (followed by a Skyfall ad--it's all about synergy).

More to come.