Day 0: North to Alaska / by Mark

Mindy and I are off on an Alaskan vacation (actually, I'm planning to post the whole thing after we return--so let’s hope there's no horrible accident, or these entries will be rather ironic). Why go there in the winter, you might ask? It's the Aurora Borealis aka the Northern Lights. We will travel by road, air, rail, and snow. Dogsleds and snowshoes may be involved. At one point, we will cross the Arctic Circle. We're going with my in-laws (George is a computer geek like me, and Martha is into crafts and sewing like Mindy, so we work together well). I am also planning to grow a beard--we'll see how that goes.

Mindy and I have been prepping for months (she did most of the work)--getting cold weather gear, working out travel details, and coordinating with the in-laws and our work.

Tomorrow, we ride!