Alaska Day 2: Like Flying in a Cattle Car With Wings / by Mark

61°13' N, 149°53' W -- Anchorage, AK 

5 AM came early, but we had to get up and ready for the shuttle. Milwaukee's General Mitchell airport is okay, but most of them are rather generic. I took some pics--see if you can guess which airport is which.


We had to get back to the airline hub at Chicago's O'Hare, so we proceeded to taxi longer than we were in the air via Embriar puddle jumper. Then, a 2.5 hour layover until the leg to Seattle. Of course, the connecting gate was less than 50 feet away. I lucked out on the flight--aisle seat with an empty middle. I did agree to swap with George in the other aisle during the flight. I lost some weight since my last long flight, and I don't have the posterior padding I used to have, so I was ready to move anyway.

The Seattle airport is larger than I remember--it was looking like a long hike before a guy on a cart offered us a ride. Then. Came. The. Flight. Somehow, it takes almost as long to go from Seattle to Anchorage as it takes to go from Chicago to Seattle. Of course, two screaming babies were just in front of us. The dad seemed to be as annoyed as we were. I got through the last hour with some Frank Sinatra on the iPod.

We made it to the hotel, and what was on the TV? University of Fairbanks hockey vs...Ohio State! We just spent 16 hours in airports and airplanes, jumped 4 time zones--and still can't get away from the Buckeyes!!!

Tomorrow, we complete the triumvirate of transportation...

Beard Day 2. Mindy referred to me as "scruffy".