Alaska Day 4: Fairbanks! / by Mark

We got to sleep in--well, 7:30, since the time change is playing havoc with our rhythms. Big breakfast in the lobby--Mindy made herself a homemade egg mcmuffin. Then we suited up and took a walk. We had made major plans (and acquisitions) for the weather--multiple gloves, balaclavas, heavy boots, long underwear--and so we managed to handle the bone chilling cold of...wait for it...17° F.

Where's the cold? Reports say that Alaska is seeing 20% of normal snow, and some of the qualifying trials for the Iditerod dog sled race have been shortened or cancelled. Fortunately, there's a trial ending in Fairbanks--just outside our hotel. It's supposed to end the next morning, so we'll listens for cheers in the middle of the night. 

While we waited for that, Mindy and I walked over to the visitor's center and got this pic.

Did I mention the Asians? We met them--about 50 of them--on the train, and they ended up at our hotel. They have a full-sized bus at their disposal, and they travel in a group. They seem nice but apparently speak no English.

Shockingly, there wasn't a lot going on in Fairbanks on a Sunday, so we mostly hung out at the hotel, except for a trip to a restaurant via taxi. We also packed for tomorrow's flight...

Beard Day 4--surprising how fast it went from actor perma-stubble to the ol' prospector.