Alaska Day 8: Off to ChEEna / by Mark

65°03' N, 146°03' W--Chena Hot Springs, AK

Slept in today, then took a long shower and had a big breakfast. Mindy took some time doing laundry while we waited for the shuttle to the Chena resort (with a long E). We found a restaurant across the street that was actually open, with a proprietor who was gregarious to the point of desperation--it was a little creepy.

Then back to the hotel and the shuttle van for the 60 mile trip across ice covered roads--there were storms in November, and when it's this cold, the ice doesn't go away until late spring. We saw two moose on the way. The resort is what you might expect--a cluster of rustic buildings in a valley. We checked in and found two rooms with their own bathrooms and even a TV--yay! We also signed up for various activities over the next two days. George is still a bit under the weather so Martha, Mindy and I went over to the hot springs (Martha just wanted to look). There are indoor pools, hot tubs, and then there's the "rock pool" with a sandy bottom--all of which use the mineral waters. You have to cross through a sheltered walkway to get to the outdoor pools--I wish we had brought flip-flops. They warned that you would get dehydrated (the waters leach your toxins) and they were right--I was woozy for a few minutes afterwards. I guess I have a lot of toxins.


We hung out in our rooms, then it was time for the "aurora snow coach".  Imagine if a tank and a shipping container had a baby. We took a very bumpy 30 minute ride up the mountain trial--Mindy described it like one of those virtual simulator rides without the virtual. I felt like I was in a paint mixer. Then we moved over to the yert--yes I said yert--a 30 foot in circumference tent with a raised top. We hung out there from 10p-2a, hoping to see the aurora. I chatted with a retired advertising exec, did some reading, and dozed a bit. I also availed myself of an outhouse--suffice it to say there was steam involved. It was overcast the whole time, so no northern lights. Back in the snow coaches for the return trip.








So, today's score: 

  • Rode a new form of transportation - check
  • Sat in a new type of building - check
  • Got to see the aurora - sorry, but thanks for playing 

Beard Day 8: I've reached hipster stage.