Star Trek DS9: Season Two in the Homestretch / by Mark


  • It's Klingon old home week in "Blood Oath". Three Klingons from the original series--Kor (John Colicos), Kang (Michael Ansara), and Koloth (William Campbell) meet at the station to plan for a final mission. Dax accompanies them, since she knew them in one of her former lives. The big question--how did these three change from the swarthy aliens of TOS to the bumpy-heads of TNG and the movies?
  • We get another two-parter in "The Maquis". There's political intrigue, sneaky aliens, long boring dialogue, and an uneasy alliance between Sisko and Gul Dukat. He gets kidnapped, so Sisko takes Kira and Bashir to save him--it doesn't go well. The finale is a showdown in space. This is the first appearance of the Maquis terrorists, as well as the "Badlands" which will later be the site of the Voyager premiere. Bernie Casey guest stars as an old Starfleet buddy of Sisko's, and Bertila Damas as a mysterious Vulcan woman.
  • Tailor/spy Garak is under the weather--or is it an addiction?--in "The Wire" (not the one in Baltimore). It's "Lost Weekend"--in SPAACE! Garak trashes the infirmary--why didn't Bashir have him under restraints, like anyone going through withdrawal? Bashir and Garak finally have it out, and we learn more about Garak's backstory. Paul Dooley guest stars as a Cardassian intelligence officer. In a subplot, Dax needs some help with a sick plant, and we get a McCoy callback from Bashir--"I'm a doctor, not a botanist". 

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (and all the Trek series) is available on Netflix.