It's Pilot Season at Amazon / by Mark

In the brave new world of internet television, Amazon has decided to go the traditional route with "pilots" of new original programming, many with big stars and proven creative talent. We watched several of them (they're available here)--my quick reviews…

  • "Alpha House" stars John Goodman as a US Senator living with other congressman in the same house and the shenanigans that ensue. Like many of the Amazon shows, "internet TV" translates into "how many swear words can we jam into each minute?". Washington becomes a big frat house (which may be depressingly close to the truth), and writer Garry Trudeau (Doonesbury) lays it on with a trowel. Try "House of Cards" instead.
  • "Betas" is all about hipster software developers--if you're not currently working on an iPhone app, most of the references will go over your head. Unfortunately, the show morphs into the standard "geeky guy wants the girl" plot. I suggest you spend a better time with Angry Birds.
  • "Browsers" (apparently, "Gamma Time" was taken) follows several interns at an internet site. Inexplicably, the kids break into song--it's Glee meets The Daily Beast! Bebe Neuwirth plays the boss--I wouldn't say her portrayal is broad, but perhaps she could wear an "I'm Arriana Huffington" sandwich board to help the audience out.
  • "Onion News Empire" is a slickly produced Newsroom parody with Jeffrey Tambor in the main anchor role. While it's very funny, the show seems very limited--not sure where they take it from here. Check out the mothership instead.
  • "Those Who Can't" is a sitcom that perpetuates the whole "teachers are idiots, kids are in control" concept. We couldn't take more than a few minutes before moving on.
  • A bright spot is "Dark Minions", an animated show starring the voices of Kripke (John Ross Bowie) and Stuart (Kevin Sussman) from the Big Bang Theory. They play slackers who end up as, well, minions in a galactic empire that is only slightly more organized than the rebellion fighting them. The only problem with the pilot is the lack of full animation--they couldn't afford it for the pilot, but I would definitely watch this show.

We skipped "Supanatural" and Zombieland, as well as the kid's shows. You can try them out for yourself at Amazon Video