Man of Steel Post-Game / by Mark

…and I'm back from the movie. Without getting too spoilery--

  • This is a DARK movie. I was concerned about this months ago (as was the rest of the internet) when the trailers came out, and we were right to worry. The producers will need to lighten things up next time (they've already announced the sequel).
  • Henry Cavill, when he's given a chance to do so, is as good as Reeve in his prime. Unfortunately, the script doesn't give him many opportunities to shine.
  • Amy Adams handles Lois very well, although she's not given much to do.
  • At one point in the movie, Zack Snyder was apparently kicked out of the director's chair and Michael Bay slipped in. Geez, how long does a fight scene with massive destruction need to run? I felt like I could have left to get a sandwich during the fight, returned, and missed nothing in terms of plot line.
  • Did the editor leave as well?  This would have been a better film with 20-30 minutes chopped out.
  • I heard there were a number of "easter eggs", although I only picked out a LexCorp truck and a Wayne Industries satellite (using the logo from The Dark Knight . I didn’t notice Carrie Farris as a military officer or that a bar was called "Ace O' Clubs". Actor Aaron Smolinski, who played another army officer, played baby Clark in Superman I and a boy at a photo booth in Superman III.

Overall, I liked the movie, but it was darker than I would like and a bit too long. Now that the continuity is established (again), let's hope the sequel does better.