QISE Review - Winter Edition - Day 5 / by Mark

Catching up from last night—

  • The commentator referred to the condition of the Halfpipe as “Slushy Flatbottom”. That was the name of my bluegrass band in college!
  • What’s that sound, Shaun White? That’s the sound of your endorsements being cancelled.

Moving onto today’s coverage—

  • The afternoon show covered Nordic Combined, which involves ski jumping and cross country skiing. The International QISE Committee seems to like combining existing sports, rather than coming up with new ones.
  • May I suggest “Jumpstyle”—ski jumping with EXTREME tricks. Considering how long they are in the air, you could soon hear this commentary: “He’s going to try the “3960 Button-fly McFlurry—that’s 11 complete rotations—and he’s done it!!”
  • During a ski jump, a commentator noted that the suit is supposed to fit tightly to avoid getting an aerodynamic advantage, and saw an issue with one of the skiers—“his crotch, frankly, seemed pretty low”. Don’t take that statement out of context, please.
  • Most embarrassing event in QISE so far? Afternoon host Lester Holt comparing dance moves with US Luger Kate Hansen. It’s like your drunk uncle at a wedding.
  • Lauer continued hosting prime time at the Fortress of Solitude. Meh.
  • We’re seeing a trend of “old timers” trying to extend their careers and failing—namely, Shaun White and Shani Davis. It’s also a loss to the Peacock, as they miss two opportunities to push a storyline.
  • Best QISE commercial so far—“Time to take a Charmin break”, which consisted of a Zamboni running over an ice rink and a 60 second countdown. Classy!

More to come.