Ending a Series / by MELINDA Schmidbauer

The Spellman books (The Spellman Files/Curse of the Spellmans/Revenge of the Spellmans) by Lisa Lutz are very funny "mystery" books, along the lines of the Stephanie Plum books. I read the three of these over the last year or so. Now I see there is a new one coming out and that it is the last of the Spellman books. That makes me sad.

And Charlaine Harris has said that she has finished the Harper Connelly series (Grave Surprise, Grave Matters, and two others...). I loved this series, too. I thought Harper was a great character.

I hate it when authors end series that I love. But, I would hate it more if they felt they needed to continue writing books in a series just to make money. The books would, inevititably, lose quality. I can think of several series that I enjoyed that I won't read anymore because there is just no point. The stories are not of the same quality when the author is just writing to fulfill a contract.

So, Lisa Lutz and Charlaine Harris, thanks for ending these series while I still like them, even if it makes me sad.

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