Old Comics / by MELINDA Schmidbauer

I have decided I want to decoupage a table for the comic book lounge, and I want to use old comics to do so. Of course, I can’t use Mark’s comics, so I recently purchased a bulk lot of comics online. Basically, quarter comics. There were a lot of middling old Marvels and DC’s, mostly from the early ’90s, as well as several independents.



In particular, there were several from Valiant, a now defunct comics publisher. And one of those from Valiant was “The Second Life of Dr. Mirage.” I loved this comic. While still in the superheroic vein, it did not have all the “back story” that the DC Comics Mark was reading did. I could pick this up, and start from the beginning. And, in fact, I am going to go back and reread them again. If you get a chance, read the eleven issues that were published. You won’t be sorry.