A Book I Read, and Some Comics / by MELINDA Schmidbauer

First, I want to mention that I finally got to read the Fables novel, and I have written a little bit about it here. Suffice it to say, I really enjoyed it, and it gave a lot of back story on the characters of Peter Piper and Bo Peep. It occurs BEFORE the big war, so you could really read it any time in the course of your Fables reading.

I am also doing really good keeping up with the comics reading. There were a few things I wanted to comment on that we didn't get to in the podcast. SPOILERS AHEAD!

First, The Unwritten #9 -- Argh, Mark was right. I am really glad this is labeled for mature readers. As Mark predicted in the podcast a few weeks ago, the prison warden's kids have (apparently) been killed. I am sure Tom will be blamed for this. I really like this comic (in spite of the killing?), and think it is going into a really interesting direction.

Blackest Night: Suicide Squad is one of the those canceled titles that they are bringing back for a Blackest Night issue. To me, this seemed more like an extra issue of "Secret Six," which isn't a bad thing. If you like "Secret Six," don't miss this one!

All I can say about Echo is READ IT.

I had "House of Mystery" in my pile that I wanted to post about, but I can't remember why. Another good Vertigo title, and it seems as though this issue (21) is starting a new arc, so it might be a good time to hop in.

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