Before I Forget... JL #36 / by MELINDA Schmidbauer

Justice League of America # 36
G’nort by G’nortwest

I thought G’nort should have an apostrophe!  In the previous appearance by G’nort, the dog-like Green Lantern, there was no apostrophe.  In this issue, there is.  The presence of the apostrophe, to me, changes the pronounciation!  G’nort implies the G is NOT silent.  Gah-nort.  That’s my last word on the subject...

Lots of good things in this issue.  “The Manga Khan School of Melodrama” being my favorite.  I would like to take a correspondence course from there!  I am sure the “Scarlet Skier” must be a satire of another superbeing...maybe the Silver Surfer?  No one believes in him, poor Skier.  And really, how much of a dweeb villian do you have to be to have G’nort as your arch-nemesis?  Suffice it to say, G’nort (sort of) saves the day, and rides off into the sunset with (sort of) with his new partner.

I just love saying "G'nort".