Justice League America #58 / by MELINDA Schmidbauer

Break Downs, Part 11

Now I am reading these in the right order!  For the next few issues, I will bounce back and forth between JLA and JLE, hopefully getting a better grip on the Break Downs story.  Of course, at this point, there are only six issues left (including an epilogue.  Why not just make it a part of the story?).

In this issue, Despero and Lobo are still going at it.  I finally "got" the cover.  It is an addition problem.  Lobo plus Despero equal JLA down.  But we know that's not really the case!

This issue was non-stop fighting.  We have Lobo and Despero, then Lobo and Guy, then Despero and J'onn.  Then Rocket Red and Despero.  Booster vs. Lobo, PG vs. Despero, J'onn vs. Despero, and back to Lobo vs. Despero, Fire vs. Lobo, and again with J'onn vs. Despero.  And then Booster brings in the Conglomerate.  And Lobo decides to get rough.  So I think we're looking forward to more fighting in the next installment of Break Downs. 

Meanwhile, back at the cave, Lord Havok, an Extremist robot, is attacking JLE.  (Okay, I just read some back history of the Extremists.  I know who Mitch Wacky is, sort of.  The are JLE villains, from another universe, sort of.  And apparently they were involved in Countdown to Final Crisis.)  He particularly wants to kill the Sorceress….  I can't remember her whole name. I want to say the Silver Sorceress, but then why isn't she dressed in Silver?  Indeed, the Silver Sorceress.  Lord Havok appears to be winning, until Blue Beetle arrives to save the day, and the JLE.   Don't call him an overweight good-for-nothing!  But L-Ron and Kilowog have finished making the control device for Despero's collar ("killing" L-Ron in the process), and they need Beetle to deliver it.  So maybe the end of the fight with Despero is nigh.

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