Wonder Woman 71 / by MELINDA Schmidbauer

Okay, final issue of Diana IN SPACE!  All the Sangtee slaves are freed, and the prison planets un-prisoned.  Diana's ragtag crew is starting to break up.  Then Julia, the Daxamite, goes a little crazy and tries to kill one of the Sangtee.  This is when Diana realizes that Julia is speaking English!  It has been so long since Diana heard English that she didn't recognize it at first.  There's no explanation for why Julia knows English, but she does.  And she apparently also knows where Earth is, and is able to give that information to the scientist working on the transporter, so that Diana and Natasha can be sent home -- very Star Trek!  But before she goes, the girls all give her a big going-away thank you.  Party for Diana!  

Interspersed with all of this, we also see Julia Kapatelis writing a letter saying goodbye to Diana.  After months and months of Wonder Woman being missing, she has finally given up on her "second daughter" and accepted that she is dead.  Then, she answers the door and there is Diana!  Happy tears ensue. 

I would guess the next issues will deal with Diana trying to find out why Asquith Randolph tried to get rid of her.  It is implied in this issue that he took her place as a hero, so that may be reason enough, but will Diana have her revenge?  Maybe I'll read a few more issues and find out.

We're only getting two new comics this week, so I will probably continue to read a Wonder Woman or two, before moving on to JLI.  Mark has talked me into reading the first three years of that, so there's a month of posts!  Hmmmm.  Justice League #1, 1987 and JLA #1 2011, both in the same week for me.