Justice League International #10 / by MELINDA Schmidbauer

What's with this cover?  None of the people were in my previous JLI! Superman, go away.  Hal Jordan? -- No way, where's my GUY?  Two GLs I don't even recognize.  Hmmmmm.  I guess this Millennium thing is bigger than I thought.
The Millennium story appears to be winding down.  In this issue, Superman, the Hawks, a bunch of Green Lanterns, Fate, Firestorm and Captain Atom have made their way to the planetary home of the Manhunters.  Through a bunch of luck and some subterfuge, they manage to kill (is it kill when it is a robot you are offing?) all the Manhunters and scare off Momma Manhunter.  Of course, she was the only thing holding the planet together, so it pretty much disintegrated when she left.  
Oh, and Gnort was there.  Hal and the other Green Lanterns were desparately trying to avoid him.  I am not quite sure why Gnort made an appearance here, but maybe we'll hear more from him in a future issue?
I really want to get back to the REAL JLI.  According to the letter column, we'll learn Max Lord's story soon. (Cue sinsiter music.)  
We did have a short back up story of Blue Beetle and Mr. Miracle trying to figure out a Manhunter ship, with a guest appearance by Kilowog.