Justice League #14 / by MELINDA Schmidbauer

I haven't even started reading this, and I am excited already.  Fire and Ice!  Yes!  

<brief break to read comic>

Wait a minute...is that Fire?  Green Flame -- and she doesn't really look like Beatriz.  Ice Maiden I can accept.  Hmmm...

<Go back to reading...>


<okay, finish the darn comic already...>


Excellent!  We have an invader from space that gives the Earth an ultimatum (and has wisecracking robot sidekicks and lackeys).  We have Blue Beetle, Mr. Miracle and Booster Gold bonding over football (but why isn't Barda in the JLI, too?).  We have Green Flame and Ice Maiden trying to worm their way into the League, and maybe get a paycheck.  And we have Gnort, who might save the world, or something.  

Last issue, I complained about Black Canary being out of the League (because that's what the letter column said), but this week Martian Manhunter just refers to her being out of touch.  Hmmmm.  Guy and Captain Adam made the cover, and were seen standing around, but really didn't have anything to do.  Is the League too big?  I don't think so.  Not everyone has to be be in every issue, do they?  

Overall, I thought this was A GREAT issue, and hope it continues in next month's book.