Justice League #19/#20 / by MELINDA Schmidbauer

Oh, no.  I missed yesterday.  Drat.  But I did read my comic yesterday, so I will write about it, and JLI #20 today.  

You'll notice that the cover of #19 is very similar to the cover of #18. What's the difference?  Well, Guy is back.  Now he is ready to beat up up Lobo, instead of crying about Lobo.  As much fun as a nice Guy is, girls really prefer the obnoxious Guy...

So Guy sort of pushes Lobo out the window, much to the chagrin of the other JLI members present.  They don't know that Lobo was hired to kill the other members.  They, in fact, think Lobo is on THEIR side, and is a friend of Barda's.  I guess they've never met Lobo before.  Lobo is not on anyone's side (except, apparently, the space dolphins).  

So Lobo gets temporary membership in the JLI, much to the chagrin of Batman.  And Black Canary is officially removed from the roll.  I guess she has more important things to do.  

After things settle down a bit, Ice goes to see Guy, and asks what happened...his behavior is very disturbing.  She has never seen the REAL Guy.  So he is pretty obnoxious to her.  I always wondered what Ice saw in Guy, but now I know that she first got to know him under the influence of a knock on the head.  That explains a lot!

In the meantime, the rest of the JLI is on a membership drive.  Superman says no.  Captain Atom says no to Major Force.  Beetle and Booster can't find the Flash.  Hawkman doesn't want to join, but Hawkwoman says they will join.  Guess who wins?  Hawkman is not happy.  

And in the last panel, Barda and the others in space make it Apokolips while chasing the Cluster.  If Mr. Miracle is such an escape artist, though, why is Barda so worried?

Which brings me to #20, Mr. Miracle for sale!  

 In which we have Lord Manga Khan trying to establish trade with Apokolips by trading Mr. Miracle.  He first meets with Doctor Verman Vunderbar, who is impressed that the Cluster has Scott Free.  Things are looking good to Manga Khan, until he learns that Lobo didn't take out the JLI, and they have, in fact, arrived at Apokolips.  L-Ron, however, has blown up the JLI ship and assume that the JLI is now done for.

Lots of good quips, lots of JLI interaction.  Barda bops back to JLI headquarters to pick up the rest of the crew.  She doesn't stick around long enough to figure out that Lobo is there!  The new members are confused.  


I'll get back on track tomorrow, with issue #21.