SF Classiques 015 / by MELINDA Schmidbauer


A Brief (?) History of SF Productions - Part 15

During college breaks, I would try to visit SF members at their schools.  Bill was attending University of Cincinnati, and I went to see him a few times.  He was hanging around with a girl named Janet, and they were becoming quite the couple.

One night, Bill and I were driving around, and he said "how do you feel about an SF wedding?".  After discussing logistics of such an event, I gave him my "blessing" as SF President.  Thus the SF weddings began.  Janet and Bill have been together since then, moving around the country for work, and have ended back up in Ohio, so we can see them often.

The introduction of the Walkman (yep, I'm really old) with recording capabilities let us do some "On the Road" shows.  Episode Two's offering is from our first foray into the real world, but we also went to an "international fair" at the mall, two local museums, and an indoor soccer game, ending up in Washington DC with Steve.  On that trip, I picked a good place in the Smithsonian where the SF tapes will eventually go, right next to Archie Bunker's chair.  I'll play some more of these shows soon.
Meanwhile, I was looking at the end of college, and wondering if we could actually do something with SF that would make money.  We began coming up with ideas for what would eventually became "Outstanding in Our Field".  We wrote ideas on Post-it notes and put them on the wall in Mike's basement, as that had become our HQ due to all the recording equipment and synthesizers.  Mike and Eric put together a few songs, and over the summer we came up with enough ideas and committed them to tape, with the final session over the Labor Day weekend.  We found a place that would make up tape duplicates for us, and we went around to radio stations and record stores to try to sell them.  We found a new places willing to take a few copies, but it didn't go far.  Boy, would this have been easier in the Internet era--just dump them in iTunes!  I still have a few copies of the tape in shrinkwrap.

1986 ended with a dinner at Chi-Chi's (remember them?), giving Eric a chance to put in our name as the "Nahtzee" ("Nahtzee party of 10...Nahtzee party...".  This was the last time the entire group was together at one time--from then on, there were always one or two people unavailable or out of the country.

Next, a hiatus, then we try to be real writers.  Meanwhile, here's some Outstanding bits...