
MELINDA Schmidbauer

SF Classiques 013 by MELINDA Schmidbauer

1983, the "Summer of SF", rolls on... There was a local theater in town--I use the term loosely, as it was housed in a former pet store, with an audience of 40. If you sat in the front row, you were in danger of getting trampled by actors downstage. Anyway, I had been involved with the theater for a few years, and decided it was time for me to direct. My musical review idea was shot down, so I found an obscure (cheap) one act play called "Sociability". When I went to cast it, of course I asked SF members. Sharon, Beth, Mike, and Steve didn't say no quickly enough, and we were off. Another "director" did a second one-act play, and we added a musical number from Lynda (with kibitzing from Eric) to make the whole thing long enough to make a handful of people come to see it.
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