A sitcom with a tragic coda, three bombs, and a failed spinoff take us from 1986 to 1987.
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A milestone female-led sitcom for CBS, along with a clunker in 1986.
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A late Brady spinoff, a shot at satire, and George Jefferson's triumphant return--all from 1986.
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A TV legend rides into the sunset, taking her schedule-mate with her, and a puppet gets a sitcom in 1986.
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Two WKRPers return for new 1986 sitcoms--one a flop, another a hit for ABC.
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An NBC dud along with four syndicated sitcoms of 1986 that didn't last.
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Four 1986 sitcoms came up to bat, and all struck out.
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These 1986 entries include the dawn of TGIF and three flops. Don't be reedikulus!
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A sitcom vet fights the studio and loses, with another vet taking over a long running 1986 series.
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Four sitcoms from 1986 make their debut, including two that do fairly well, and two not so well. Guess which ones starred sitcom vets.
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Three flops take us into 1986, with one starring a TV legend trying again for the brass ring.