Lois is always hot, To the Kitequarters! Hawkman is throwing Shade, a teeny-weeny Sinestro, me am not Bizarro Black Hammer, a spaceship becomes a drive-thru, a heavenly food court, when two planets break up, and DC turns a racial molehill into a mountain.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #507 /
Young Justice brings the band back together, Superboy becomes Superteen, A Kryptonian Hawkman, Pureheart the Powerful returns, Mal and Zoe are in a fix, a bloody bowling alley, and the OTHER Captain Marvel--plus WOTCOEW.
How I Got My Wife To Read Comics #346 /
We’ve got a cast for Hawkman 101 (and that is the correct term). Sorry, no WOTCOEW this week.
How I Got My Wife To Read Comics 023 /
The many lives of Hawkman, Booster saves Bats, Jack of Fables in the Old West, GalaxyQuest returns, and WOTCOEW!