Green dreams of Fishflies, Randall Weird--comic writer, Dickie remembers it all, Harley gets Redder, General Immortus has waxy buildup, Two Wyverns too many, and Justin is released into the wild.
Read MoreSecond Coming
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #622 /
Two more views of Harley, Let's play a game on Danger Street, Cornell's back at the Con, and building a super-babyproof home.
Read MoreHow I Got My Wife to Read Comics #620 /
Harley gets Redder, Lady Cop gets a name, The Doom Patrol goes to therapy, Superman finds Hope, Paul Cornell attends a Con, Sunstar learns his secret origin, and the (smaller) circus comes to San Diego.
Read MoreHow I Got My Wife to Read Comics #619 /
Clark returns to Newark,
there's Fables revenge aplenty,
the Wonder Years of Jesus,
Don checks out of Love Everlasting,
and we pick up an Ahoy trade at a con.
Read MoreHow I Got My Wife to Read Comics #616 /
Danger Street gets its final character injection, Clark is on a LONG road trip, The Young Justice Society has arrived, God goes to group therapy, Dickie does some research, Joe triumphs over militia, and FCBD returns.
Read MoreHow I Got My Wife to Read Comics #614 /
A Genie
Cosmic fights and grave digging, Clark gets a space Uber, Jesus Christ: Babysitter, Joan gets off the marry-go-round, Who's the Protector now? And we're down to the final two Genies.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #576 /
Catching up with Diana, Harley and Ivy on the run, Harvey Dent's about to be Faced, Jon and Damien get exposition thrown at them, Jesus checks in with his dad, we've got a Horseless Rider, and all the hubbub on Substack.
Read MoreHow I Got My Wife to Read Comics #575 /
Another DC event wanders to a close, Ted is kicked out, Christopher Reeve flies again, a great anthology wraps up while another continues, what's so bad about a mass killing, Jesus helps out the Sunstars, and three views of Black Hammer.
Read MoreHow I Got My Wife to Read Comics #572 /
What happens when the Superman Who Laughs shows up? Blue and Gold is back! Superman's colorful anthology, Superman and son, To Justice League Infinity and beyond, Lightning strikes again, as does the Lightning Round.
Read MoreHow I Got My Wife to Read Comics #561 /
Generations are Forged, Life on Lexor, Future State--to be continued? Batwoman's on the case, We got a rogue Messiah, Robots are taking over, Meep!, and let's check in with the Nuclear Family.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #557 /
Jinny Hex wraps up Wonder Comics, Bendis says farewell to the Man of Steel, neurotic superheroes, the world ends at 9:15, your friendly alien doctor, we're stuck in a Weird loop, Gus will save the day, Gary Seven's backstory, and DC takes a breather.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #533 /
Diana gets her due, Harley is moving up in the world, Snyder pulls a bait and switch, attack of the dial up era, beware the K-Hole, God bowls a few frames, and the top 10 of the 2010s.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #530 /
Sam Lane, RIP, the World’s Finest 2.0, Busiek drags his feet, it’s Countdown to Picard, Naomi meets Young Justice, fighting religion with AI, while God and Satan have a chat.
Read MoreHow I Got My Wife to Read Comics #528 /
Long live the Legion, it’s all Doom and Gloom for the Justice League, you've been “Olsnapped”, Alfred keeps track, Clark just wants to heat up a burrito, Dial H origins at cross-purposes, Doom Patrol goes meta, and eating pinecones with Jesus.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #525 /
A trio of #1’s, along with a final issue (for now), Bat and Cat’s interlude concludes, Clark and Jimmy get a healthy dose of Silver Age, more Heroes are Dialed up, Naomi sends out an SOS to the World’s Finest, and even Jesus has doubts—all in The Lightning Round.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #522 /
Lois is always hot, To the Kitequarters! Hawkman is throwing Shade, a teeny-weeny Sinestro, me am not Bizarro Black Hammer, a spaceship becomes a drive-thru, a heavenly food court, when two planets break up, and DC turns a racial molehill into a mountain.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #521 /
Luthor has an offer you CAN refuse, Superman’s Pal gets his own title, Bane cleans up Gotham, Naomi, Zan, and Jayna wrap up their initial runs, Supermobile Away! Young Justice travels the Multiverse, Black Hammer swaps locales with the Justice League, we need not fear the banana, and Ahoy's Second Coming.