The Inducing Panic Affair: Act Five - Epilogue / by Mark

Previously on the "Inducing Panic Affair"--we're on the local news!

Let's do a "where are they now" wrap-up.

  • "Brian" went on to work in some capacity at SNL--I knew he would make it big!  I have not heard back from him since then.
  • Officer Fife was later reprimanded for incorrectly discharging his firearm and injuring himself.
  • Judge Deborah Pryce went on to be US Congresswoman Pryce--the only politician I would always vote for, no matter her politics.
  • Two of the cast members, W.D. and Marty, and I met in 1989 after "Inducing" Panic finally aired (it took months to edit) and discussed plans for another show ("Brian" had moved on by this point). We wanted to do it in the studio, and make it a series we could easily produce. The discussion somehow got into the Flintstones, and someone said "there's your show!". We started Vast Wasteland by 1990, and the show ran for ten years. We shot the show in the studio, did little or no editing, and handed in the tape the same night.  We finally pulled the plug after getting tired of new rules from the public access station--they were cracking down after some problematic shows.  Speaking of...
  • The public access station asked "Brian" and I to speak at a national conference (on our own dime) about our experiences. We impolitely declined. They later gave us the "Inducing Panic" award at the annual awards show. The station, and most of public access TV, was displaced by the internet in 2000.

..and that's all she (or I) wrote. A quick freeze shot, and then the closing credits...