Star Trek: Insurrection / by Mark

Moving onto the third of the four TNG movies--

  • The whole movie is about immortality and what some races will do to get it--including atrocities against their own race.
  • Yet more uniform variants--this time, it's dress uniforms that look like we just got on the Love Boat
  • There's innumerable references to DS9 in the beginning of the movie. It helps to explain how Worf joins them on the mission.
  • Data's gone nuts! Of course, in the grand tradition of TNG literary references, Picard stops him with GIlbert and Sullivan.
  • With Frakes in the director's chair, he's written in a love story with Troi. We even get a bubble bath scene (ewww!)
  • There's a boatload of action in this movie--phaser shootouts, shuttle dogfights, and an exciting exodus of a village. We're supposed to believe Patrick Stewart as action hero?? He even has a love interest, and he and his compatriots go "rogue" to follow his beliefs.
  • There's some goofy bits with Data as always--at one point, he becomes a "floatation device" in a lake
  • Apparently, Spiner wanted to make this his last movie--he felt he was getting too old for the role. It looks like money changed that.
  • Oh, it's the old "hide in the nebula bit" from TWOK!  Riker sounds like John Wayne during a battle--"we're through running (pilgrim)!" He even gets a "manual override" on the bridge in the form of a joystick that somehow controls the whole ship?!?!
  • As always, any Federation personnel not on the Enterprise are evil and/or incompetent. In this case, an Admiral gone amuck ends up being taken out by the bad guys.
  • It's always convenient when alien races use Earth's system of time measurement…
  • The bad guys are duped by the oldest trick in the book--drop them into a holodeck, and let them think they won.
  • Again with the ridiculously complicated macguffin that has to be destroyed!!  

We'll move onto the final TNG movie next time. Star Trek: Insurrection is available on Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon.