A Florida Fair to Remember - Day 3 / by Mark

We started a little late (9:30a), partly due to to the relatively short distance we had left, and partly due to the amount of Tetris-esque design required to get everyone’s luggage in the car. The roof pod was a lifesaver—I was worried I would have to ride on the bumper.

We stopped at a Huddle House (fancier Waffle House) and each got the Most Valuable Platter. A major mistake as it involved a mountain of food (although it was actually cheaper). We ate and waddled out.

Yes, that’s a single meal.

More Roadside America stuff—a Titan Missile “loaned” to a local Rotary and displayed in a gas station parking lot…

…the World’s Largest Peanut…

…and a monument to the Interstate Highway System, and its godfather, President Eisenhower. It’s near the first interchange built. It’s not well-maintained (much like the highways).

Moving onto Florida and the “Turlington Turd”—a natural chert boulder installed on the campus of Florida University who’s students gave the scatological name.

We finally made it to our hotel, about an hour or so outside of Tampa, the port for our cruise. We had some so-so BBQ at a place in walking distance, then prepped for the next day.

