A Florida Fair to Remember - Day 2 / by Mark

After two hotel breakfasts, we continued our trip south around 9a—only to quickly stop for a local Murfreesboro attraction. Roadside America had pointed us to the “World’s Largest Bucket”, but it turned out to be part of a historical village.

For those unaware, I work with the local historical society with it’s own village, and I was interested to see how this one was run. Cannonsburgh Village is well laid out, with a large number of original structures transported from across the mid-South.

But the reason we were here was the giant bucket. It’s actually the second version—the original was a victim of arson.

After a stop for some donuts…

…we moved on to the middle of Nowhere, TN (Sewanee) and a natural bridge. Kathy tried to walk it (we chickened out), but only got partway before crawling back. I was impressed she got that far.

South Pittsburg, TN is the home of Lodge Cast Iron. We came here for the “Cookware Family”…

…but also the factory store and museum.

Oh, and the World’s Largest Cast Iron Skillet.

A quick stop at the Dixie Freeze for lunch...

…before tracking down a site where you can stand on 3 states at once (Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama). It became quite the expedition, climbing up three different rocky hills. Mindy and I almost gave up, but Kathy trekked on and found it. The site was a few feet from a private resort, and we suspect the owner moved the tiny badge to make it easier for his guests to see it.


We were so worn out by the hike that we booked it to Amy’s home, with only a short stop to see the “Atomic Mouse”—gotta love giant ad displays.

My sister-in-law Amy and her husband Don lived in WI for as long as I’ve known them, but they wanted to get away from the cold and toward their daughter in the Atlanta area. They found a gorgeous house on a lake in a private community. Here’s the view from their deck.

We had dinner and went to bed early. Tomorrow—Florida and final prep for the cruise.
