A Florida Fair to Remember - Day 12 and Wrap-Up / by Mark

We started late, since there’s not much farther to go--plus we want to hit Cinci in time for lunch.

We couldn't pass Cincinnati without going to Jungle Jim's Market (and you shouldn't either, if you have the chance).

Then two additional local landmarks--Skyline Chili and Graeter's Ice Cream.  They actually had a collab (ice cream flavored like chili) but it had already sold out.

We made it home by early evening--Kathy still has another leg to get to WI.  Overall, we enjoyed the trip.  The Roadside America offerings are a good change of pace (and an excuse to get out the car).  We had a good time at the Florida State Fair (although I think Amy was over the whole thing pretty quickly). I’ve reached the point where I would rather drive than fly if possible.

I would give the cruise portion of the trip a “B”.  Perhaps Royal Caribbean is concentrating on their mega-ships, to the detriment of older smaller craft.  The food was very good but not excellent.  The excursions went from decent to so-so.  The service was fantastic, though.  Amy seemed to weather her first cruise well, and is already talking about another one.  Perhaps trying one of the huge ships?

We’re also taking about another cruise, but I suspect there will be another road trip first--maybe this summer?  We’ll see.
