Jimmy and Lois take their final bows, Justice Leagues both good and bad, Bart Allen breaks the multiverse, Adam Strange—war hero or war criminal? Willow goes on a vacation, and we browse the graphic novel library to meet the early JSA.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #544 /
Selina, Joker, and GL are now octogenarians, Batman returns to animation, More LSH members check in, Captain Boomerang—action hero, Impulse explains it all, A sporking escape, Terrific takes a quiz, True love saves The Question, Jimmy vs. Muhammed Ali, plus a Jimmy Olsen 101.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #543 /
Let’s all take our seats—it’s Crisis 303(b): Future Armageddon!!!
This is the second part of a "crisis" episode, the first part of which aired last October. We're posting this now to give us time to rejigger the podcast, based on DC's recent decision (check out the previous episode or my blog for more details). Also, we're doing some remodeling at the house, and need some time for that. If all goes well on both fronts, the new HIGMWTRC will be out on July 5.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #542 /
Crisis on Infinite Loises, A Kent family reunion, the Terrifics tap out on paper, Johns is too busy on Stargirl to get his own comic out, Buffy and Cordelia sittin’ in a tree, the return of Gary Seven, and Distribution Wars--they have begun.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #541 /
Hey kids—New Comics! Jimmy Olsen dies—again, The League fights the Big Green Monster, Jessica denies Darkseid, Buffy settles back into the groove, the Dreaming wraps things up, and Superman Owes a Billion Dollars!
Read MoreHow I Got My Wife to Read Comics #540 /
Longbox Roulette Round #3: An All-Star Giant, Gaiman reprints, Harley’s stache, Wash’s requiem, the JLA is Shadow-boxing, the League of Extraordinary Shadowpacts, and a possible return to normality.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #539 /
Longbox Roulette Round #2: Ollie plays father figure, it’s all Plastic, Man! Make it so, Funeral for a Friend, it’s a Wonderful Earth, Yabba-Dabba-Doo, and light at the end of the tunnel.
Read MoreHow I Got My Wife to Read Comics #538 /
Longbox Roulette Round #1: Hal and Guy duke it out, Max gets the band back together, Kara cameos in her own book, Jimmy gets a licking and keeps on ticking, Pulp fiction meets cosplay, and one hour Rice.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #537 /
Robin’s looking pretty good for 80 years, Jon Kent is the “True Superman”, Mr. Terrific calls in the Reserves, the name is Olsen—Jimmy Olsen, Young vs. Younger Justice, another trippy tale from Mike Allred, and #Coronapocalyse hits the comic industry.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #536 /
An anniversary for the Scarlet Speedster, Tom King gets Strange, Lois makes Bruce her errand boy, Welcome to Billionaire Island, and some industry news.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #535 /
It’s Dr. Wally-hattan, Clark vs. the Klan, the Reign of the Subparmen, discarded CIE stories, an ASTRISK is added to the Hall of Justice, Dial Heroes for Hope, back to Gemworld, and Dan DiDio WHAAAAA???
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #534 /
Two views of Harley, Bruce is jealous, Shock! Lois survives the explosion, Choose your own Terrifics, Young Justice v Young Justice, Will you be my Trekentine?, and it’s Zero Hour all over again.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #533 /
Diana gets her due, Harley is moving up in the world, Snyder pulls a bait and switch, attack of the dial up era, beware the K-Hole, God bowls a few frames, and the top 10 of the 2010s.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #532 /
Is Damien really Baby Hitler? Oh that L’il Jimmy, Crisis on Infinite CW Crossovers, Wally talks to a chair, Bruce’s new direction, Lois hates clean rooms, Reign of the Supermiguels, and a supersized Young Justice.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #531 /
The Doomsday Clock strikes 12, Clark spells it out, Bat and Cat reunite, as does Wally’s fam, the Legion gets muddled, Jimmy continues his crazy life, the Doom Patrol goes digital, and Superman’s Golden Child.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #530 /
Sam Lane, RIP, the World’s Finest 2.0, Busiek drags his feet, it’s Countdown to Picard, Naomi meets Young Justice, fighting religion with AI, while God and Satan have a chat.
Read MoreHow I Got My Wife to Read Comics #529 /
No more secrets, staking superheroes, Bruce and Jimmy's prank war, RIP Alfred, Gail keeps hitting on Arthur, out in the Far Sector, Dial M for Multiverse, and Lemire branches out.
Read MoreHow I Got My Wife to Read Comics #528 /
Long live the Legion, it’s all Doom and Gloom for the Justice League, you've been “Olsnapped”, Alfred keeps track, Clark just wants to heat up a burrito, Dial H origins at cross-purposes, Doom Patrol goes meta, and eating pinecones with Jesus.
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #527 /
Let’s all take our seats—it’s Crisis 303(a): Future Armageddon!!!
How I Got My Wife to Read Comics #526 /
Booster strikes out, how many Manhunters are there? a brief return of the Super-Sons, too many Questions, Scott Snyder throws darts at the wall, Teen Lantern’s origin, or course it had to be Mxyzptlk, alien symbiote spandex, and it’s all there in (blurry) black and white.